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To find a fulfilling career that makes the best use of my skills.


Job Title and Company Name for My Most Recent Job (1/1/00-1/1/01)
Here is a description of my most recent job, including my job responsibilities, major projects I completed, and skills I made use of.

I enclose for your review an outline with dates of events in the life of Dr. Verma to help you get the short version of the story. The long version is available in the Jan 15, 2002 affidavit that I sent you.
I had used this as Appendix B  in the 60 human rights complaints that I filed about him. No one wants to investigate them.
The complaint is entirely genuine and reveals a serious and perpetual denial of critically important life preserving services to the complainant who was actually totally abandoned by the justice system and the Ministry of Health. The complainant has suffered permanent damage as a result. Delay in the treatment has possibly left him with neuro-psychological complications which could have been prevented had he received proper medical attention while in Ontario which force him to leave the province as soon as that was legally permitted. There were several facts in the audiological report and other numerous documents that have been sent to you to show the handicap that resulted from the physical assault (head injury) and sexual assault on the complainant and their sequlae.
1. On the morning of December 1, 1996 while in detention for some frivolous complaints of sexual abuse of some of his drug seeking female patients while awaiting bail hearing,  the complainant was found to be confused and held in medical segregation by the staff of Waterloo Detention Centre.
2. The complainant was unable to communicate with his lawyers from the law firm of McCarthy Tetrult who happened to be nearly all the time,  Ms. Sacha Fraser, for the next several visits between December 5 and December 15, 1996.
3. An assessment by Dr. Graham Glancy which was requested by his lawyers to evaluate of his fitness to stand trial led to a preliminary diagnosis of acute post traumatic psychosis and a psychiatric assessment order was obtained in mid December 1996.
4. On July 12, 2000, the complainant sent you a copy of court report finding him to be unfit to stand trial by Hon. Justice Reilley in on May 6, 1997 which in retrospect was an erroneous decision  that led to his 18 month of unnecessary  incarceration because a sign language interpreter was not available until May 1998 when the matter was finally resolved using an ASL interpreter.
5. In April 1997Dr.Graham Glancy a forensic psychiatrist from Toronto met with the complainant in Hamilton Detention Centre along with the lawyers from the law firm of McCarthy Tetrult and found himself unable to communicate with the complainant at all. No ASL interpreter was made available during that interview.
6. On June 16, 1997 Hon. Judge E. Allen of the Ontario Court (provincial division) found the complainant unfit on account of mental disorder in respect to a criminal charge.
7. On June 23, 1997 the Ontario Review Board held a hearing at the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital pursuant to s. 672.47(1) and determined unanimously that the complainant has a "limited cognitive capacity" and was not able to communicate with counsel. The uncontradicted evidence before the review board being that he suffered from a "mental disorder" subsequent to his physical and emotional trauma in Waterloo Detention Centre which was causing his symptoms and reaffirmed the status of his being unfit to stand trial.
8. The complainant was held in several hospitals after the head injury between December 1997 and May 1998 on account of inability to stand trial due to unfitness.
9. In October 1997, while in St Thomas Psychiatric hospital the complainant underwent a audiological testing which suggested the "possibility of moderately severe asymmetric hearing loss."
10. On December 22, 1997 following a hearing by the Ontario Review Board, the complainant was transferred to Penetanguishene because of a suspected deterioration and conflicts with the nursing staff, failure of the medical care providers to cope with him etc.
11. There is also the element of the unawareness of such limitation period on the part of the complainant and his cognitive defects that prevents him from estimating the times elapsed appropriately. In fact he has always been seriously disoriented to time and place since his head injury. Early on he was disoriented to person as well.  In situation where the complainant has been systematically  abandoned by the Waterloo and Ontario community as a whole and the complainant has been determined to be suffering from cognitive and severe communication difficulties, It is my respectful submission that the time limitation be set aside because until very recently he did not have the means to be in a position to file this extremely complex complaint without the assistance of a representative and the legal community had purposely denied him any such representation. The fact that I have systematically organized all the documents in his possession has been very helpful to me to assist him in the complaint process. I do not trust that he was well enough to be able to do that himself even though I did notice that his m other and the complainant did attempt that. I also suspect that there has been some improvement in his cognitive capacity since his hospitalization in St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital.
12. In January 2000, based on the documentation provided by Dr. Surapeneni of Kitchener ON, the complainant was adjudicated to be disabled due to the handicap by Ontario Disability Support Plan and that documentation is in your possession. These benefits were terminated in August 2000 upon leaving the province.
13. In May 2000, upon receiving a report written by Dr. Stephen Hucker of Hamilton, the office of the Public Guardian and Trustee of Ontario had initiated an application to the court in order to take over his financial and legal affairs because of his mental incapacity to do so himself.
 14. During May and June 2000 while in detention with a frivolous criminal complaint of weapon use several communications took place between his lawyer Mr. Darwin Witmer and several court appearances also took place with the help of ASL interpreters or a Real-Time Captionist, services that were ordered by the presiding judges.
15. On September 21, 2000 a Human Rights Complaint was accepted by the Canadian Human Rights commission against Human Resources Development Canada on behalf of the complainant under section 5 based on discrimination on the grounds of disability.
16. Between August and November 2000, while in detention with a frivolous criminal complaint of stalking of his wife several communications took place between his lawyers Mr. Ulf Christiansen, Mr. Peter Kendall and several court appearances also took place in Vancouver and in Prince Rupert BC with the help of ASL interpreters or a Real-Time Captionist, services that were ordered by the presiding judges.
17. The complainant was sent forwarded you the report prepared by Ms. Tina Saiki which does describe how there is a handicap and how it affects his ability to communicate with others even though the primacy aim of the test was to demonstrate the nature of the deafness. In the report there is a clear mention that he was not able to vocalise during the assessment and had a tinnitus. The fact that communication had to be undertaken even for the purpose of the test using a computer or American Sign Language shows how the consequences of the head injury affect his day to day operations especially the need of assistive devices or ASL to communicate.
18. On January 29, 2001 a Human Rights Complaint was accepted by the British Columbia Human Rights commission against nearly 20 BC Provincial Government Ministries or agencies on behalf of the complainant under section 2 based on discrimination on the grounds of disability.
19. In February 2001, upon a review of documentation provided by Dr. Daniel Fung of Vancouver BC the complainant was again adjudicated to be permanently disabled DB-2 by the Health Services Branch of Ministry of social services in B.C. which declared him permanently unemployable. The complainant is currently in receipt of these benefits.
20. Vancouver Richmond Health Board audiology unit has made an attempt to quantify the handicap that results solely from the tinnitus although the seizures, inability to speak and hear, cognitive impairment, variety of psychiatric symptoms that have been noted, and the memory difficulties etc. cause additional handicap for which investigation is going to be initiated in the coming months.. The score of 76 as per their guidelines indicates a severe handicap.
21. I accompanied the complainant to the non-behavioural electro physiological testing on July 31, 2001 at St. Paul's Hospital and the tests again depict the same findings. In a verbal report by the technician, these tests have essentially confirmed the previous reports but no new  non-behavioural electro physiological testing was undertaken. No official report is yet available from an ENT specialist about that although an appointment has been booked on September 5,2001 in order to do that a copy of report will be provide to the Commission when available.
22. Between January and May 2001 the complainant has regularly used a vocational guidance centre named Pride Training Centre in Vancouver where the only way of communication with the receptionist Leona and the counsellor Robert Gregoire was through a keyboard or gestures.
23. I have been caring for the day to day living of the complainant since May 9, 2001 as he is subletting from me after his mother finally abandoned him and left for New York. I have always communicated with him through gestures and use of keyboard only when he is somewhat less confused. It is impossible to get any useful and reliable information from him when he is under the influence of a confusional or a seizure episode.
24. I have transported the complainant to several visits to his family doctor Dr. Irvine, Alexandra Walker of Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centre, June Herrington of Nanaimo Brain Injury Society, CMHA etc. where he has communicated to a limited extend only through the use of a Sign Language Interpreter.
25. On August 12, 2001 the complainant met with Cpl Dave Olson of RCMP Nanaimo Detachment to file a complaint which was undertaken through the use of two computers placed side by side.
26. The fact that Ms. Tina Saiki did not even attempt to test the verbal comprehension shows that the comprehension ability from verbal input to my nervous system is so severely affected that it can not be tested.
27. The condition that results from brain injury or strokes is called word deafness and I am enclosing some information on that. It does not fit with the deafness that results from ear diseases, which is not the case with him.
28. Since his arrival in the province of British Columbia, the complainant has regularly used the Medical Interpreter Services from WIDHH in Vancouver and IDHHC in Nanaimo.
29.  On March 28, 2001 an ENT specialist Dr. Amanda Maloney found the complainant to be seriously incapacitated and  discussed her intention to refer him to Dr. Wsterberg a Neuro-otologist at the St. Paul Hospital for further assessment and rehabilitation.
30. Upon the recommendation of the office of the Public Guardian and Trustee of BC, on August 8, 2001 complainant was evaluated by Mr. Seamus McGlynn of the CVIHR Nanaimo Mental Health section who determined him to be cognitively impaired enough to be unable to manage his own affairs and has referred him to Dr. Dunn for a complete psychiatric assessment.
31. On August 8, 2001, Mr. McGlynn mental health team leader, formed a preliminary opinion on his assessments done during the month of August 2001 and has concluded that as a result of his head injury the complainant has suffered from both communicative (language), nuero-psychological  and cognitive dysfunction which prevents him from dealing with his financial and legal affairs properly and that someone who is willing to discharge the responsibility must be appointed to take care of those through a newly legislated Representative Agreement for the complainant.
32. On August 29, 2001, Dr. Dunn found the complainant unable to manage his financial and legal affairs due to the cognitive deficits that resulted from the brain injury.
33. On Semptember 5, 2001 an ENT specialist Dr. D. K. Cheung evaluated the complainant and found him to have a hearing loss after proper testing and also that he had suffered a "significant head injury" , "psychiatric disturbances, and they were unable to sort out", "cognitive deficit with short term memory",
34. Since November 14, 2001 he is under the care of Public Trustee who is abusive towards him and I am going to court on April 29 or so to get them removed. Can things get any worse?


Chronology of events relevant to the appointment of a guardian for Pradeep Kumar Verma


1.      December 1, 1996       Dr. Verma found injured and disoriented having seizures and totally unresponsive

2.      May 6, 1997       Dr. Verma found unfit to stand trial by Mr. Justice R. D. Reilly

3.      Fall of 1997       Ontario Public Guardian and Trustee office contacted several times by Dr. Verma

4.      May 15, 1998       Released from Penetanguishene Mental Health Center


5.      Nov 16 & 29, 1998       Assessment reports of Marlene Garner an assessor for Ontario Public Guardian and Trustee

6.      November 24, 1998        Office of Public Guardian and Trustee of Ontario took control

7.      December 3, 1998       Office of Public Guardian and Trustee closed file

8.      Spring of 1999       Correspondence with Ontario Public Guardian and Trustee office about guardianship needs

9.      March 24, 1999       Mr. Stephen Woodworth begins to work on the issues of guardianship in Ontario

10.   June 17, 1999        Assessment by Dr. Rao Surapeneni determined that Dr. Verma

              continues to be unable to look after himself


11.   May 12, 2000`       Mr. Woodworth and Mr. Dauphney sent an assessment by Dr. Stephen Hucker

12.   June 30, 2000       Ms. Sandra Lake an investigator with Ontario Public Guardian and Trustee office swore

              affidavit advising the office of Public Trustee of British Columbia to become committee

13.   August 1, 2000       Dr. Verma’s mother Mrs. Tripta Verma refers him to the office of Public Guardian and

               Trustee  of British Columbia for a committee of estate and of person

14.   December 19, 2000       Ms. Sara Campbell of the office of Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia advised

              Mrs. Verma that she has evidence that Dr. Verma is capable of managing his affairs.

15.   April-May 2001       Ms. Sara Campbell attempts to locate an assessor for incapacity certificate

16.   July 12, 2001       Referral to Nanaimo Mental Health Center for another assessment by Ms. Campbell

17.   September 12, 2001       Mr. McGlynn and Dr. Michel Dunne complete their assessment

18.   November 9, 2001       Mr. Andrew Croll quits upon my attempted retraction as guardian ad litem

19.   November 14, 2001       I file papers in divorce registry and Public Trustee of B. C. becomes committee of Dr. Verma

20.   November 26, 2001       Mr. Robert Magnusson advised that Public Trustee of B. C. will oppose my application

              despite previous promises to assist me with that application

21.   December 19, 2001       Notice of intent of this action sent to Public Trustee of B. C. and others


22.   January 16, 2002       Notice of motion filed

23.   January 30, 2002       Revised Notice of Motion filed

24.   February 6, 2002       Second affidavit (proof of service etc.) filed

25.   February 11, 2002       First hearing of the application

I am P. Verma